The onettiano on the edges of magical realism


  • Maximiliano Linares Universidad Nacional de Rosario



Juan Carlos Onetti, magical realism, Franz Roh, solipsistic Realism, Latin American Literature, avant-garde literature and art


In considering the corpus of 37 letters sent by Juan Carlos Onetti to the Argentine critic and art historian Julio E. Payró between 1937 and 1955, I set to analyze a number of topics and questions that become highly relevant for Onetti’s poetics. It becomes essential here to consider Onetti’s reception of the concept of realismo mágico (magical realism), which is connected -as shown in the 1937’ letters- with the analysis performed by the German art historian Franz Roh. This article will take the development of the category of realismo mágico in two ways. First, in placing it within Latin American Literature, as something different from the topics of traditional realism. Second, as constituting a resolutive di+erentiation that belongs to Onetti’s solipsistic Realism. keywords: Juan Carlos Onetti, magical realism, Franz Roh, solipsistic Realism, Latin American Literature, avant-garde literature and art.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Linares, M. (2016). The onettiano on the edges of magical realism. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 9(9), 15–40.


