The Importance of communicating the mediation service


  • Karina E. Battola Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



mediation service, communication of mediation, non-adversarial method of dispute resolution, communication and social conflict, public policy.


This piece highlights the importance of communicating the mediation service as a nonadversarial method of dispute resolution. To report these issues to society supposes to disclose the existence of non-violent means of resolving disputes and making them available to the community. This information is relevant and contributes to social peace. There are di(erent agents that may communicate such peaceful approach to conflict.

Among them, I first mention state agencies responsible for the promotion of public policies concerning various tools that allow the solving of legal and social conflicts; second, the curricular space offered by the university and its links with society at large, through scientific or legal practice dissemination; and finally, community mediators, who hold a key role in the promotion of favorable changes that facilitate building peaceful approaches between conflicting social forces.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Battola, K. E. (2016). The Importance of communicating the mediation service. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 9(9), 78–90.


