Mediatic platforms and levels of analysis
plataformas, mediatizaciones, interacciones, intercambios discursivosAbstract
At work research on present process coexists deep transformations of our objects with the progress of our studies on them. Therefore, each new publication requires work in tension between various temporalities and spatialities. In this article we will present descriptions about how some of social media and networks social are being transforming in complex multimedia platforms. In the same time, that multi-media activity coexists with particular practices of interaction of the mediatizated life, some pf them very innovative, but others coming on from a long tradition.
To understand the functioning of those multi-media platforms, two different levels should be investigated: on the one hand, understand how platforms are different proposals to interact among themselves; on the other hand, with a sociosemiotics approach, how micro media discursive systems coexists in each platform. We believe that to focus on the media crossroads between media platforms and micro discursive action will allow to understand the current status of the mediazations still called new media.
(Complete article in spanish language).
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