Tango, clubs and flooding. Analysis of the urban plot since it’s crisis
Comunicación, ciudad, crisis, ciudadanía.Abstract
In the present article, I intend to link together all the inquiries I have carried out during the last 17 years as a researcher of La Plata University. In 2011 my enquiry team and I funded the Research Lab of Socio-Urban Bonding –LILSU (Laboratorio deInvestigación de Lazos Socio-Urbanos) our most meaningful achievement. LILSU has consolidated a difficult path to make it real the research field of the complex correlation between communication and city, wrongly addressed by communication only.
As a road map, I organize the studies undertaken chronologically, starting with sociocultural expressions such as the practice of tango and milonga, the
last one as the place where people can dance. Years later, these studies would take me to pose the enquiry of the social clubs and neighborhood groups as places to strengthen urban bonding. Eventually these enquiries led me to contemplate the analysis of the process of neighborhood empowerment arising from a flood of unusual characteristics, as it was the one that occurred on 2 April 2013 in La Plata city
which left the community buried in misery and incomplete disappointment of the government.All these topics present different features but all of them are related to, not only in the theoretical and methodological communicational processes in which their analysis set off, but also with a question that passes through the main work hypothesis: how do social networks make up and act, from their deepest knots, all the bonding knitted in the neighborhood community?
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