Negation and self presentation. Profile discourse in apps for sexual encounters


  • Manuel Libenson Universidad de Buenos Aires



denial, device, dialogic response, argumentation.


As it is well known, Tinder and Grindr are apps whose main function is to produce the possibility of an intimate encounter between sexual subjects. This article proposes an analysis of the argumentative, polyphonic and dialo­gical functioning of a specific discursive operation type, used for the presentation of the self in these discursive devices: the denial. In the light of the analytical catego­ries provided by the theory of social discourses (Verón, 1997, Traversa, 2014) the dialogical approach to argumentation and polyphony (García Negroni, 2016, García Negroni & Libenson, 2014, 2016), the theory of enuncia­tive polyphony (Ducrot, 1984) and of the theory of the semantic blocks (Carel & Ducrot, 2005), I will characteri­ze the dialogical-argumentative configurations that the denial discourse adopts when the self introduces itself. We conclude that the denial enables at least two general interpretations on how the negative statement relates to the otherness: a descriptive interpretation of the self that emerges from different types of dialogical rejection res­ponses that the negative statement manifests against ste­reotyped argumentative doxal discourses attributed to an impersonal and plural voice (SE), or an interpretation as a requirement that arises from the metadiscursive res­triction that establish the negative statements in relation to potential future discourses of the other.


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How to Cite

Libenson, M. (2018). Negation and self presentation. Profile discourse in apps for sexual encounters. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 13(1), 111–135.


