Defective participation in the digital era

On the effects of disinformation and misinformation on the subject




information, defective information, digital era, worldview, defective participation


Since the close of the XXth century, society has been undergoing a digital transformation. Social activity, formerly conducted only face to face, now operates in a digitalized space, where information is conceived not only as data, but as an informational operation. This new digital era brings with it great repercussions on the communicational level, but it also goes through the digital agency and the political participation of the subjects. On occasion, build up and acceleration of information processes –in unwanted quantities and volumes– can produce misinformation and disinformation, that is, abundant defective information that spreads through the digital platforms. This critical study will be guided by the following question: ¿What effect does defective information (or misinformation and disinformation) have over the subject’s agency in digital spaces? As a hypothesis, it is argued that defective information motivates a defective participation of the subject in the informational operation configured in the digital space. The effects of defective participations on subjects in the network must be considered a delicate matter and a focus of study. This proposal aims to address this need.


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Author Biography

Tamara Jesús Chibey Rivas, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Licenciada en Filosofía, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). Miembro tesista, Centro de Estudios Mediales, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). Coordinadora, junto a Roberto Rubio, Grupo de Estudio “Información, Medios y Cultura”, Centro de Estudios Mediales, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). Sus áreas de interés son: filosofía de la tecnología, filosofía de la información, estudios mediales, cultura digital, filosofía de la psicología y problema de la irracionalidad.


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How to Cite

Chibey Rivas, T. J. (2021). Defective participation in the digital era: On the effects of disinformation and misinformation on the subject. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 16(2).


