Consumer practices and citizen information diets
information diets, consumption of political information, political sophistication, political interest, political ideologyAbstract
The article proposes to analyze the link of citizen information diets with other variables of political behavior such as Political Sophistication (PS), Political Ideology (PI) and Political Interest (PIn). To do this, a more complex operationalization is used than the mere consideration of exposure time to news content, understanding consumption as an articulated set of intersubjective habits. By evaluating the ideological dimension of these practices as well as the characteristics of the cognitive processing of the audiences, a survey was carried out on citizens of Córdoba (Argentina) over 16 years of age. On the one hand, it was found that the majority resort to some traditional information medium, within the framework of an important trend towards the ideological diversity of sources. On the other hand, the association between InP and news consumption was demonstrated, as well as with variables that evaluate the ideological dimension. Regarding SP, although no correlation has been shown with consumption of information from non-media or non-traditional media sources, a higher level of SP-Integration is observed among those who prioritize conversations or social networks. Likewise, the presence of conceptual differentiation is more likely among those who prefer traditional media and show a varied informational diet.
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