Editorial policy

1. Open access, copyright and originality policy

2. Peer review process

3. Publication frequency and no APC

4. Self-archiving and digital preservation policies

5. Interoperability protocol


1. Open access, copyright and originality policy

InMediaciones de la Comunicación provides free and immediate access to its content under the principle that making articles and research freely available encourages a greater global knowledge exchange. In this sense, the Universidad ORT Uruguay is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA), which suggests that the articles be “available under the dedication of the Creative Commons public domain”. InMediaciones de la Comunicación provides its content under the Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Likewise, the journal acknowledges the value of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) statement, which establishes that open access implies the free availability on the public Internet of articles and reviews published after being submited to the double-blind arbitration protocol. This perspective "allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or add a link to the full text of these articles, track them for indexing, incorporate them as data in software, or use them for any other purpose that is legal, without financial, legal or technical barriers, apart from those that are inseparable from access to the Internet itself. The only limitation regarding reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright (economic rights) in this area, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their works and the right to be adequately recognized and cited.”

Universidad ORT Uruguay reserves the rights of journal publication. In this way, once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, InMediaciones de la Comunicación may dispose of such material and publish it both in printed format and in electronic form and other known or unknown devices. For this, it is an essential requirement that the authors authorize in writing its reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication (Document of authors' rights and originality). Such use of the manuscripts is for the purpose of spreading and sharing the research work with the national and international scientific-academic community, it is not for profit and the authors will retain the moral and patrimonial rights of the article.

The submitted manuscripts must be written by those who declare their authorship and guarantee that they will not be submitted for consideration by other publications while the evaluation process is carried out. The journal considers a manuscript to be original when it has not been published in an academic journal or as a chapter of a digital or printed book, nor is it in the process of evaluation in another publication.

The submitted manuscripts may originate from undergraduate or postgraduate theses. In the event that the submitted manuscript includes advances from research previously presented at Conferences, Colloquiums and/or Congresses or has its origin in an undergraduate or postgraduate thesis, the authors must include an explanatory note indicating the first instance in which they were presented. They may not, in any case, retain the same title as their first version.

The authors are responsible for the affirmations, content and opinions expressed in the manuscripts sent to InMediaciones de la Comunicación. They must guarantee that they are owners or co-owners of the submitted manuscript and, therefore, are also owners of its intellectual property rights and do not infringe the copyrights of third parties. Likewise, the authors declare that they have rights and/or consent for the use of still or moving images and any other type of material and information complementary to the submitted manuscript. Any material received without these permissions will be assumed to originate from the authors.

The use of the CC-BY 4.0 license guarantees the publication, distribution, use and reuse of the manuscripts. In this sense, the use, copy or public dissemination of the published materials must be cited using the references indicated in the HOW TO CITE section that accompanies each manuscript in its different versions: PDF, HTML and XML.

2. Peer review process

InMediaciones de la Comunicación receives manuscripts through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. In order to maintain anonymity and guarantee the transparency of the peer review process, the submitted manuscript must be made anonymous and not contain information that could reveal the identity of the authors. The name of the authors and institutional membership must be sent in a different document.

The journal employs the double-blind arbitration protocol for the evaluation of manuscripts, which consists on getting advice from experts on the topics addressed in the specific issue of the journal which allows the individual review of the submitted materials.

According to the criteria established by the journal, the submitted manuscripts go through an evaluation process that involves different instances of review and evaluation.

- Manuscripts are reviewed by the directors of the journal, the Associate Editors, the Academic Committee and the Guest Editors assembled according to the theme addressed in each issue. In this first instance, the manuscripts are subjected to a first plagiarism check using the Turnitin prevention service (Plagiarism control and detection). Those manuscripts that conform to the disciplinary area, comply with the standards and objectives of the journal, and show relevance to the topics of the call move on to the next stage of evaluation.

- Once compliance with the required conditions has been verified, the submitted manuscript is sent to two external referees who are specialists in the subject matter addressed. Those who carry out the external arbitration should not have any conflict of interest with respect to the manuscript submitted for evaluation, which will be delivered to them, safeguarding the anonymity of the responsible authors. The external referees must evaluate whether the manuscript presents innovative or novel content regarding the topic addressed, the coherence of the analysis carried out and the quality of the presentation according to the journal's guidelines. On these general basic criteria, they must rule: a) accept and publish the manuscript, b) publishable with modifications (in this case, the authors must send a reworked version so that the external referees assigned to evaluate the manuscript again), c) reject the application. The external referees must validate the decision taken taking into account the parameters or rubrics of the Evaluation Sheet (Ethics for external referees).

- In case of discrepancy in the opinions, the manuscript will be sent to a third external referee. This last opinion, together with the final observations of the directors of the journal, the Associate Editors, the Academic Committee and the Guest Editor Editorial Board, will define the publication or not of the evaluated application.

- The foundations, suggestions and opinions will be reviewed by the Associate Editors and the Academic Committee, and the result of the evaluation carried out will be informed to the author or the corresponding author. Such arbitration process may involve several instances of exchanges and re-elaboration of the manuscript based on what is observed by the external referees, the Associate Editors and the Academic Committee. The average duration of these evaluation and review instances is 60 days.

- The final acceptance of the manuscript also depends on compliance with the editorial ethics and good practices required by the journal (more information in Editorial ethics and good practices).

- The list of those who participate as external arbitrators is published in the last issue of each year.

3. Publication frequency and no APC 

From the second semester of 2024, the journal InMediaciones de la Comunicación adopts the continuous publication system. The published papers are gathered in an annual volume and structured in its two semiannual issues (January-June and July-December) with thematic calls for papers. The articles in the first issue are published continuously starting in January and ending in June and the ones belonging to the second issue are published from July until December.

Between the reception of the submitted manuscripts and their publication date, a maximum period of five months is estimated.

InMediaciones de la Comunicación does not charge processing or publication fees (Article Processing Charge or APC fees).

4. Self-archiving and digital preservation policies

InMediaciones de la Comunicación uses the PKP Preservation Network (LOCKSS) repository where publications edited in the Open Journal System (OJS) are digitally stored. This system allows perpetual access to the original content of the journal.

The files are saved at the time of their publication in DSpace, the digital academic repository used by InMediaciones de la Comunicación, and on the journal's platform.

Likewise, authors are advised to store published materials personally. The post-print (or final galley) can be archived and included in your endorsements and in institutional repositories immediately after its on-line publication.

5. Interoperability protocol

InMediaciones de la Comunicación incorporates the Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) interoperability protocol.