Empathy development in university students in Economy fields
empathy, higher education, emotional education, curricular innovation, action research, commercial areaAbstract
In higher education, empathy is established as a generic competence for professionals; however, there is no appropriate methodology for its development. The present work is part of an action research project and aims to evaluate the effects of an innovative pedagogical intervention through a neuroscientific-based model in first-year Commercial Engineering students. This research was developed under a quantitative and qualitative mixed design. In the quantitative area, two questionnaires were applied: one on empathy and the other on social desirability before and after the intervention. On a qualitative level, a class-by-class record log was used to monitor the applied intervention. The sample consisted of 38 Commercial Engineering students from a private university for public purposes in the Bío-Bío region. The results reveal a low level of initial empathy in Commercial Engineering students. After the intervention, a statistically significant increase in empathy was observed in the students. The students expressed satisfaction with the workshop carried out, according to the observation records during the classes. The results are discussed according to the experimental antecedents obtained from other studies, emphasizing the importance of empathy development in a little explored area such as the commercial field disciplines.
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