Poetics of ambiguity
Insecure realism, identity disfiguration and anti-heteronormative aesthetics in the works of Pedro Lemebel and Leila Guerriero
literature, testimony, politics, intellectuals, journalismAbstract
This article analyzes the changes that occurred in the testimonial literature of the Southern Cone after the defeat of the revolutionary projects of the 1960s and 1970s. The hypothesis is that the outbreak of the dictatorships motivated a process of disassembling the testimony in its foundations of truth, coherence and argumentative transparency, at the same time as a progressive reconfiguration of its aesthetic principles from approaches that assumed the concept of ambiguity as a sine qua non condition of literary creation. Within this framework, the article intends to investigate a set of works by Leila Guerriero and Pedro Lemebel and analyze the way in which the redefinition of that narrative genre is shaped. As it emerges from the work, the idea of ambiguity is built –in these authors– through the notion of insecure realism, a category that refers to a state of generalized uncertainty that encompasses all the dimensions of being, from the ideological-political to the those related to sexual gender and the development of writing. Therefore, in the analyzed production of Guerreiro and Lemebel, the implementation of transformative operations of testimony can be observed; operations in which it is possible to identify points in common and also differences.
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