To bot or not to bot?

An approach to Twitter during the allegations against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (Argentina, 2022)




semiodata, Twitter, bot, sense, circulation


The article analyzes, from the perspective of semiodata and the semiotics of mediations, the circulation of meaning around an event of great political relevance for Argentina: the allegations in one of the corruption cases against the current vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner –cause commonly known as “Roads” or “Public Works”–. With the aim of describing this flow of meaning, we analyze the exchanges produced on the Twitter media platform. What flows and counterflows can we observe on Twitter? What were the prevailing hashtags? What role do fake accounts play in these cases? The study was carried out based on the collection of tweets produced in Argentina from July 27 to August 23, 2022, period in which the accusatory hearings took place. The recollection was carried out from certain preselected keywords and hashtags, a task that was carried out by means of a small script using the Python programming language in conjunction with the free software library called Tweepy, which allows you to connect to Twitter and listen to the posted tweets in real time. The results we arrived at led us to use a model that could identify fake accounts and allow us to know the impact they had on public discussion.


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How to Cite

Gindin, I. L., Rostagno, J., & Cardoso, A. L. (2023). To bot or not to bot? An approach to Twitter during the allegations against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (Argentina, 2022). InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 18(2), 111–131.